Separation, a film produced in 1967 and released in 1968, was written by and starred Jane Arden and directed by Jack Bond. The film explores the life of a middle-aged woman following the breakdown of her marriage. It features on its soundtrack music by Stanley Myers, one song ("Salad Days") by the British rock group Procol Harum and instrumental music by Procol's original Hammond organist Matthew Fisher. In addition to Jane Arden the film stars the British actors David de Keyser and Ian Quarrier.
Separation, which was photographed in black and white with colour sequences, was restored by the British Film Institute for DVD and Blu-ray Disc and released in the UK on July 13 2009. Another edition of the DVD, with a different cover photo and music credits for Procol Harum on the front cover and for Stanley Myers, Procol Harum and Matthew Fisher on the back cover, was released in the USA in March, 2010. Separation was released on DVD in the U.S. for the first time on March 30, 2010, by Microcinema.